Course Syllabus
Please read carefully the syllabus to understand what is required of you to complete the Impact Lab course and learn:
BUSI2812 Impact Lab Syllabus_Jan 2023 Update.pdf
Weekly Reports (1 point each/10 pts in total)
- 0.5 points for working at least 10 hours (if the hours were not reached in a particular week but the student obtained permission from the supervisor and will replace the hours in the following weeks of the semester, the TA will check this and add points at the end of the semester)
- 0.5 points for a sufficient description of work tasks/accomplishments and a comprehensive reflection/learning points
- 0 points for late submission!
Longer Reflections (5 points each/15 pts in total)
- 5 points - student addressed the question in full and provided interesting reflection within the word limit
- 4 points - student addressed most of the question(s)/the reflection was good
- 3 points - student addressed some of the questions/did not provide a comprehensive reflection
- 2 points - student addressed some topics/reflection is not well written or complete
- 1 point - students submitted a reflection but did not cover the topic/comprehend the questions
Seminars (5 points each/15 pts in total)
- 2 points for attendance
- 3 points for participation:
- 3 pts - for active participation and leadership
- 2 pts - for active participation and question-asking
- 1 pt - for discussion and supporting teammates